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최초 등록일
최종 저작일
11페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


IntroductionExecutive summaryThe Coca Cola, the best known beverage company, has been leading soft drink industry. According to internet survey in 2006, around 200 countries are enjoying Coca Cola. The company is keep developing their product as various types of flavor offered to satisfy the consumer demand and preference, and strives to maintain top position. The primary objective of this study was to understand SWOT analysis precisely through Coca Cola enable to show the importance and optimization of SWOT. About the Coca Cola Company- Mission, Vision and objectiveThe Coca Cola Company is well-known for its various operation fields and also, it has world’s largest and well controllable manufacturer and distributor. To achieve their success, they have been chasing their mission, vision and objective. Mission statement helps to declare company’s purpose of business operation. However, Coca Cola has three mission statements for achieving their goal precisely. Firstly they are striving to offer products and services in best way so that it will be welcomed by consumers. This mission will help the company to keep maintaining its top position, and because great quality and customer cares always related with marketing positioning




The Coca Cola Company is well-known for its various operation fields and also, it has world’s largest and well controllable manufacturer and distributor. To achieve their success, they have been chasing their mission, vision and objective. Mission statement helps to declare company’s purpose of business operation. However, Coca Cola has three mission statements for achieving their goal precisely. Firstly they are striving to offer products and services in best way so that it will be welcomed by consumers. This mission will help the company to keep maintaining its top position, and because great quality and customer cares always related with marketing positioning, it will make Coca Cola to be more competitive. Secondly, the company tries to offer good working environment to motivate its employees for increasing their working efficiency. Finally, the company is trying to create value and make different with its competitor. This mission will be able to increase market share and sales. In fact, there is keen competing beverage market thereby the company provides different design and taste to attract consumers so that the demand of consumers will be increase more. All those mission statements support to vision statement so that it helps to achieve objective.
Vision statement is inspiration and framework which very closed to strategic planning. It usually applies to an entire organization or to a single division of that company. It usually shows what company wants to be. However, the vision will help Coca cola to achieve goal more efficiently. On Coca cola’s vision statement, there are six ‘P’s; profit, people, portfolio, planet, partners and profit. The company is focused on this for maximizing return to shareowners while being mindful of our overall responsibilities.

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