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Bobbie Ann Mason`s `Shiloh` 감상문

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
3페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 5,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Bobbie Ann Mason 의 작품 `Shiloh`의 감상문입니다




Bobbie Ann Mason`s short story `Shiloh` tells the story of a marriage with serious problems. The couple in question, Leroy and Norma Jean Moffitt, are working-class people living in the modern South, and thus they bring into their marriage all sorts of unspoken expectations of who they should be, which often contrast violently with who they are -- even more so with who they are becoming. Leroy`s name means `the king` in French, and he clearly initiated their relationship expecting to be the strong, macho guy, the breadwinner, the one who wore the pants. Similarly, Norma Jean was named after the doomed movie star Marilyn Monroe (whose real name was Norma Jean Baker), and she undoubtedly entered into their relationship expecting to be a sweet, lovely, pliant girlfriend, wife and mother.

But fate intervened. Leroy, a truck driver, injured his leg in a job-related accident, and can no longer drive his truck: `It sits in the backyard, like a gigantic bird that has flown home to roost.` Aside from his leg injury, he is not disabled in any other way, and ought to be able to find some other means of making a living. However, as is the case with many people, his occupation is so inextricably tied to his sense of identity that he can`t figure out anything else to do. A truck driver feels like a macho, good-old-boy sort of job, and if he can`t be a truck driver any more, he feels that he can`t be himself any more either.

In a sort of unconscious reaction to Leroy`s twist of fate, Norma Jean takes over being the big, macho guy. She begins lifting the weights that Leroy is supposed to use for his physical therapy, and becomes obsessed with making herself hard

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