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Ken Roach and naturalism

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영화- 리포트 - 영국 영화 감독 Ken Roach and naturalism




Narrative naturalism emerges in British literature as a development of 19th-century European Realism. Contemporary cinematic and literary realisms continue to examine many of the key topic, themes and concerns that mark 19th-century Realism.
“Better than any other genre, social realism has shown us to ourselves, pushing the boundaries in the effort to put the experiences of real Britain’s on the screen, and shaping our ideas of what British cinema can be. While our cinema has experienced all the fluctuations in fortune of Hollywood`s first export territory, realism has been Britain`s richest gift to world cinema.”
(Richard Armstrong, BFI SCREENONLINE, 2003)

Narrative naturalism emerges in British literature as a development of 19th-century European Realism. Contemporary cinematic and literary realisms continue to examine many of the key topic, themes and concerns that mark 19th-century Realism. As Nochlin notes, these include: the rejection of beauty as an ideal in artistic representation,

참고 자료

1. Linda Nochlin, Realism(LondonPenguin books,1971), chapter 1.
2. John Hill. Sex, class and Realsim: British Cinema 1956-1963( London: BFI,1986)
3. Linda Nochlin, Realism(LondonPenguin books,1971): 49
4. Emile Zola, The Experimental Novel, in Maxwell Geismar (ed), The naturalist novel(Montreal:harvest house,1964) : 1.
5. Geroge Mcknight, 1997, Agent of challenge and defiance, The films of Ken Locah: 62
6. Geroge Mcknight, 1997, Agent of challenge and defiance, The films of Ken Locah: 62
7. John Corner, The Art of Record, 1996: 92 ,Corner’s segmentation and analysis of Cathy come Home build on work by other scholars, notably Fiske&Hartley(1978). Following Roland Barthes and Christian Metz, Fish&Hartely analyse the overlap of documentary and dramatic conventions.
8. Christopher Ralling offers an early example of the typical criticism of Cathy come Home. He writes ‘it might be said that Cathy cone Home has proved its legitimacy once and for all by winning the Italia Prize for drama. It was billed as a drama, and the fact that it did more to stir the conscience of the nation on the subject of homeless families is a comment on the average documentary rather than only Cathy. Yet even here it was not always possible even for experienced professionals to know when they were listening to the voices of actors or real people….’ (Ralling 1968:827)
9. Jacob Liegh, The cinema of Ken Locah, wallflower press London & New York 2002:46
10. Geroge Mcknight, 1997, Agent of challenge and defiance, The films of Ken Locah: 66
11. Jacob Liegh, The cinema of Ken Locah, wallflower press London & New York 2002:52
12. Jacob Leigh, The cinema of ken loach art in the service of the people, 2002, 116
13. Paul Kerr, ‘The Complete Ken Loach’: Stills Magazine,May/June 1986)
14. George Mcknight, Introduction; to Anna of the five towns, Volume 1,1954 :9 Frank Swinnerton uses just this phrase to describe the plot of A Mummer’s wife, a novel by Moore that profoundly influenced Bennett: “It told the painful story of a young woman who ran away with an inferior actor and went from bad to worse until she dided.”
15. Geroge McKnight, Agent of challenge and Defiance, the films of Ken Loach,1997: 26
16. Geroge McKnight, Agent of challenge and Defiance, the films of Ken Loach,1997; 78
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