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4페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기




1. Discuss balloon frame and its relation with steel frame of office buildings in Chicago.

2.Discuss H. H. Richardson’s influence on the development of Chicago school in architecture.

3.What was Sullivan’s attitude to architecture ornament?

Early works of Frank Lloyd Wright
1.What was the influence of the Froebel blocks on the early work of Frank Lloyd Wright?


Discuss balloon frame and its relation with steel frame of office buildings in Chicago.

Balloon frame construction was extensively used for reconstruction after the Great Fire of Chicago in 1871. In Europe, cast-iron structural frameworks with load-bearing infill were being used in English mills and warehouses by the turn of the 19th century. In the mid-1800s truly flexural frameworks of cast iron and, later, the much stronger and more ductile wrought iron, first appeared in the form of train sheds in England. While they may have been atypical or temporary structures, the Palm House at Kew Gardens (1845), and the Crystal Palace (1851) were the first examples of mass-produced, prefabricated buildings with thin enclosures separate from the structure [Fitch 1961]. Hippolyte Fontaine`s St. Ouen Docks warehouse in Paris (completed 1865) was the first multi-story building to carry all structural loads, including that of the exterior masonry walls, on an iron frame.

While no one is sure who introduced balloon framing in the U.S., the first building using balloon framing was probably a warehouse constructed in 1832 in Chicago by George Washington Snow. The following year, Augustine Taylor (1796-1891) constructed St. Mary`s Catholic Church in Chicago using the balloon framing method.

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