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시계태엽 오렌지의 폭력의 정도는 과연 적당한 것인가.

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6페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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Burgess의 소설 "Clockwork Orange"에 대한 영문 Essay입니다.
주제는 소설 상에 등장하는 폭력의 정도가 과연 적당한 것인지,
과하다면 그 이유는 무엇이고 그로 인해 파생될 수 있는 부작용이 무엇인지를
논의하는 Essay로서 칭찬을 받은 서평입니다.




The Violence in the “Clockwork Orange”; Excessive Rather than Effective.

We can easily find that a lot of works including novels or movies surrounding us crash between the quality of the works and violence. For example, a famous Korean movie “Friends (Chin Goo)” directed by Kyung-Teak Kwak is already acknowledged as one of the greatest movie in Korea. The movie was a great box-office success given a favorable reception. Some critic said that the deep friendship between men was well presented. However the movie has been criticized by reviewers because there are so many violent scenes in the movie even though the theme of the movie is ‘friendliness’. It seems that the ‘friendship’ coming from the violence is ironic but the director claimed that violence is the best source in the movie which can help audience to find out purity and nature of human from cruelties of violence. At the same point, the “clockwork orange” also used violence in order to show the subject of the novel effectively and strongly. According to Burgess, he ultimately wanted to show ‘moral transformation’ of Alex diminishing his natural violent behaviors, and this is pervasive theme in the novel. But there is the concern that the violent scenes are unnecessarily too much so the readers cannot even notice the subject is moral change. That is, the violence of the novel that doesn’t keep a proper line cannot give validity of the subject. Also we cannot but consider the strong influence of the fictions in reality. For example, there is inevitable fact that imitation crime has rapidly increased since the movie “Friends” was released. In the novel “clockwork Orange”, likewise, use of extreme violence can cause imitation crime to people who read this novel.

참고 자료

“Sparknotes”, A Clockwork Orange.2009
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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