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[영어]파이어스톤과 포드 사례, Buyer and Supplier Relationship (Firestone and Ford)

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4페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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미국의 타이어회사 파이어스톤과 자동차회사 포드의 사례를 보고

생산자와 공급자의 관계를 중심으로 분석한 래포트입니다.

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1.Firestone and Ford

2.History of their relationship

3.Controversy and Result




Ⅰ. Firestone and Ford
Firestone is a tire manufacturing company in USA. At first, they started their business to sell tires for wagons in 1900. And they started manufacturing automobile tires four years later, and until now they have grown into a comprehensive global rubber company making variety of tires and related chemical goods.
Ford is a multinational company which manufactures and sells car. It was established by Henry Ford in 1903, and in 2004 it captured the third place among the global automobile companies behind Crysler and Toyota. Before 2004 it was second behind GM, which means it was almost top in that field.

Ⅱ. History of Relationship Between Firestone and Ford
The long relationship between Firestone and Ford started in 1895 when Harvey Firestone started to sell tire to the very first car made by Henry Ford. In 1906, Firestone made a formal contract with Ford to supply tires. This contract maintained for a half a century. Their relationship expended not only to formal contract but also to a marriage between two families of each company`s top-management. The marriage was between Firestone`s granddaughter and Clay Ford`s grandson whose son later became a president of Ford.

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[영어]파이어스톤과 포드 사례, Buyer and Supplier Relationship (Firestone and Ford)
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