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The Abstract Factors in Andy Warhol’s Pop Art (앤디워홀의 팝아트에 나타나는 추상적 요소)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
8페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


Although people assume Pop Art to be a realistic, Andy Warhol’s Pop Art has abstract factors.
다분히 현실적으로 보이는 팝아트에서 발견되는 추상적 요소에 대한 연구


Thesis statement: Although people assume Pop Art to be a realistic, Andy Warhol’s Pop Art has abstract factors.

Ⅰ. Abstract factors in his self-portrait
A. Hidden meaning in his self-portrait
1. His mystic personality
2. Expression of absence of internality
B. Abstract composition
1. Unrealistic appearance
2. Comparison with normal one

Ⅱ. Abstract factors in expression styles
A. Everyday image
1. Intimacy
2. Difficult methodology
B. Techniques
1. Silk-screen
2. Repetition


Which one is the abstract art of these two? The left one or the right one? Clearly the left one is the abstract art. However, why isn’t right one abstraction? In the 1960s, Pop Artists, like Andy Warhol, appeared against the abstract art which couldn’t be understood easily for the populace because abstract artists ignored the people who saw their arts but focused on their subjective and noble internality which are a difficult conception to populace. That is why the pop artists showed reality in their arts by expressing trite and stereotyped images. They were eager to exclude abstruse or puzzling art. However, Andy Warhol’s Pop Art has abstract factors, despite the fact that his Pop Art borrowed commercial images which showed reality.
If we look into Andy Warhol’s arts, we can find abstract factors. He used to hide his real intention from surface. This method might be resulted from his mystic personality. We can find the evidence in his autobiographies such as The Philosophy of Andy Warhol (1975), Andy Warhol’s Exposures (1979) and POPism (1980). In his autobiographies, he talked a lot about himself, but he told everything superficially and ridiculously. For example, in The Philosophy of Andy Warhol, he said, “I like a jam. I want to buy some orange marmalade, but they don’t have it.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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The Abstract Factors in Andy Warhol’s Pop Art (앤디워홀의 팝아트에 나타나는 추상적 요소)
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