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최초 등록일
최종 저작일
13페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,500원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 대한중국학회 수록지정보 : 中國學 / 82권
저자명 : 田文博, 李春燕


1. 研究背景与意义
2. 助农视域下电商发展与农村消费现状分析
1) 中国电商发展现状分析
2) 中国农村消费现状分析
3) 中国农村电子商务消费现状分析
3. 助农视域下电商发展对中国农村消费者的影响
1) 电子商务对中国农村消费者的影响机制
2) 电商发展对中国农村消费者的直接影响
3) 电商发展对中国农村消费者的间接影响
4. 研究结论与发展建议
1) 研究结论
2) 发展建议

영어 초록

In the face of the challenge of the “new normal” of China’s economy, expanding domestic demand, stimulating consumption and promoting the “double cycle” are clear and effective reform directions. For a long time, China’s rural society has played the role of “buffer zone” in the economic transition and shock, which fully shows that rural consumption has not been fully activated and has great potential for improvement. Increasing income is the prerequisite for stimulating consumption. Based on the fact that the income of rural population in China has lagged behind that of urban population for a long time, boosting rural economic growth and increasing the income of farmers is an important work. The development of e-commerce has played an important role in this field. This paper carries out research from the perspective of helping farmers, and uses the literature method to clarify the impact of e-commerce development on rural consumers, mainly including direct and indirect impacts. The research results show that e-commerce development has a positive role in improving farmers’ income, optimizing rural industries, promoting rural consumption upgrading, and narrowing the gap between urban and rural consumption. On this basis, further suggestions on “e-commerce helping farmers” are put forward, It aims to promote the solution of “three rural issues” and improve the quality of life of farmers.

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