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滄洲 河憕의 生涯와 南冥學派 內에서의 역할

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최종 저작일
39페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 경상대학교 남명학연구소 수록지정보 : 남명학연구 / 25권
저자명 : 李相弼


Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 家系와 生涯
Ⅲ. 德川書院 重建과 滄洲의 역할
Ⅳ. 文廟從祀 疏請과 南冥著述 刊行
Ⅴ. 雙磎唱酬의 意味
Ⅵ. 맺음말

한국어 초록

滄洲 河憕(1563-1624)은 晉州 丹牧 사람으로 南冥 曺植의 문인 河魏寶의 다 섯째 아들로 태어나 삼촌인 河國寶의 아들로 입계한 인물이다. 하위보의 아우 河晉寶는 문과에 급제하여 사간원 사간을 역임했으며 역시 南冥 曺植의 문인이 다. 하위보의 아들 河恒도 曺植의 문인이었고, 그 아들 河仁尙은 광해군 때 南 冥 曺植을 문묘에 종사해 달라는 상소를 주도한 인물이다. 게다가 河晉寶의 딸 이 鄭仁弘의 아들과 혼인하였으니 집안 전체가 남명학파라 이를 만하다. 河憕이 태어나 활동한 시기는 曺植의 영향을 직접 받은 그의 문인들이 왕성하 게 활동하던 시기와 겹친다. 그래서 그는 자연스럽게 曺植 문인들의 뜻을 받들 어 曺植의 정신을 확산시키는 일을 할 수밖에 없었다. 그가 가정에서 받은 영향 을 제외하면 그에게 가장 영향을 많이 준 이는 來庵 鄭仁弘과 寒岡 鄭逑 및 崔 永慶·河沆·成汝信 등이며, 가깝게 지냈던 벗 李屹·吳長·鄭蘊·趙㻩 등과의 교제 를 통해서도 적지 않은 영향을 입었을 것이다. 河憕은 1602년 이후 1611년에 이르기까지 여러 차례에 걸쳐 덕천서원의 여 러 건물을 중건하는 일을 주도하였고, 또한 1614년부터 1623년까지 덕천서원 원장을 하는 동안 1617년에 曺植의

영어 초록

Chang-ju Ha-jing (1563-1624) was born in Danmok of Jinju as the fifth son of Ha Ui-bo, a disciple of Nammyeong Cho-Shik, and then adopted as a son of Ha Guk-bo his uncle. Ha Jin-bo, a younger brother of Ha Ui-bo and a disciple of Nammyeong, passed the civil service examination and served as an expostulator in the royal palace. Ha Hang, a son of Ha Ui-bo, was also a disciple of Nammyeong; and Ha In-sang, a son of Ha Hang, led in presenting a memorial to the king and appealed that Nammyeong should be also enshrined in a Confucian shrine during the rule of King Gwanghae-gun. Moreover, a daughter of Ha Jin-bo married with a son of Jeong In-hong; so, it may be said that the all family members of Ha Ui-bo were scholars belonging to Nammyeong school. Chang-ju was active at a time when the disciples of Nammyeong were energetically active. Naturally, Chang-ju could not help admiring the ideas of the disciple of Nammyeong and diffusing the spirit of Nammyeong. Except for the effects of his family on him, Chang-ju was most influenced by Nae-am Jeong In-hong, Han-gang Jeong-gu, Choe Yeong-gyeong, Ha Hang, Seong Yeo-sin and others. He was also much affected by his close friends such as Yi Heul, Oh Jang, Jeong On and Cho Gyeom. Between 1602 and 1611, Chang-ju played a leading role in repairing Deokchaeon Auditorium several times. Between 1614 and 1623, he served as the head of the auditorium. In 1617, he published "Hakgiyoupyun" composed by Nammyeong at Deokchaeon Auditorium. In 1622, he published that year's version of "Nammyeonggip." These incidents demonstrate that, in actuality, Chang-ju led Nammyeong school between early the 1600s and 1624 in the Jinju area. In spite of all that, we cannot find any record in a collection of his works that, in the process of his being active in the above-mentioned manner, he never met or consulted with or was advised by Jeong In-hong. It is because that Jeong In-hong was executed as a conspirator during a coup in the year of 1623 and was not vindicated for about 300 years since then. The emergence of Ssang-gye Chang-su was made by means of an evil intention of the disciples and followers of Jeong In-hong to eradicate the traces of Jeong In-hong. At last, later generations of a similar social status or position gathered together and organized Seganggye. The whole life of Chang-ju, who wanted to adore Nammyeong most faithfully, is demonstrated well by "Ssang-gye Chang-su" and "Sinanuhrok." However, it is an irony that Chang-ju made every attempt to cloak Jeong In-hong, who was his teacher, lived in the same era as his, came to die while making efforts to praise Nammyeong. It was none other than a tragedy of Nammyeong school. But it is now necessary for us to openly prove and correctly understand the facts of the history. In conclusion, Chang-ju was a disciple of Nae-am Jeong In-hong and, instead of Nae-am, led people's adoration for Nammyeong in the Jinju area. In fact, from that time on, the family of Chang-ju began to be inclined toward a faction called Noron

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