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신라 초·중기 弗矩內 뉘 연구

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46페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 9,900원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 경상대학교 남명학연구소 수록지정보 : 남명학연구 / 25권
저자명 : 신경득


Ⅰ. 말머리
Ⅱ. 건국신화와 弗矩內의 출생지향
Ⅲ. 금관과 弗矩內의 죽음여행
Ⅳ. 납작머리와 弗矩內의 환생염원
Ⅴ. 마무리

한국어 초록

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영어 초록

The purpose of this study is to make clear the meaning and symbol of Bulgnae from 'the founder of Silla, King Hyeokgeose' and to explain the view of the next world and the universe. Bulgnae, the base view of world in Silla, is reflected on Nui, that is the view of the universe - birth, death and revival or rebirth. Here, Bulgnae Nui is a kind of cycling link that has three stages - in the first stage, Park Hyeokgeose and Kim Alji were born from purple eggs or from golden chests surrounded with purple cloud, in the second stage, they took a tip after death with golden crown, such as ones buried in Daereongwon which is the royal mausoleum, and became the bird of universe to go to heaven, and in final stage, they were reborn from eggs. The white horse which took Hyeokgeose to Najeong(a fountain) was Park-horse. Gye-ryong85), which took Alyoung to Ariyoung fountain, had a Park-rooster's head. The white rooster, which took Kim Alji, was also Park-rooster. The golden chest (from which Kim Alji was born) hung on a tree, that was a white birch, Park-tree. The person who used a golden crown for a dead mask climbed Park-tree, or flew to the heaven with riding on Park-deer or Park-horse. And the spirit of the dead became a Park-rooster then took a trip of death. All who used a gold crown for a dead mask wore a gold belt and a belt ring. A decorative fish and a jade dragon on this belt has functions as defeating the evil and guide for the trip of death. People of Silla enbody and ensoul the Park-rooster. They wanted to copy the Park-rooster and to transform themselves in to Park-rooster. Their first representation was head transformation (flat head). It was authenticated that each Gangsu and Seok Talhae had a transformed head and that King Beobheong had a flat head. The flat head was excavated by museum of Pusan University in Ye-an-ri Gimhae, Gyeongsangnam-do from 1976 to 1980. Its forehead is lie back, the shoot out vertex shape a bulging head, and it has a shapely nose. It just looks like the head of Gye-ryong which has the great red crown on the top with lifted eye, pecking with sharp roosterbill. The flat head is reflection of rooster totem of Silla. The flat head means not only longevity in this life but eternal life with being a humanhead bird and fly to the world of Seo wangmo who has the elixir of life after death. There was a jar with eggs in an iron pot, which was found in Chunmachong. The egg is a symbol of revival or rebirth from Oviparous Myth86) of Silla. People of Silla believed that the oviparous mysterious force of Park-rooster isn't realized as revival or rebirth until encounter with vitality of water. It is also seen as Silla's faith in water to make 'Pottery Statue of Man Riding Horse' into a jug. They also believed Park-rooster as wealth, fecundity, and strong, lasting life like fish with wings. It is difficult to explain the splendid grave of northern queen with just political situation that the Gaksibachi or the strengthening of women's right of Silla royal family. The kingly power which had political authority was the most powerful in this world, but the queen's authority became more powerful in the world beyond. It seems that the queen's character of being Shaman is the absolute one as the head priest. It was the queen, so to speak, that more close to Bulgnae Nui, not the king.

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