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Role and Status of Jeju Island as a Demilitarized World Peace Island for Sustainable Pacific Civilization

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18페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 세계섬학회 수록지정보 : World Environment and Island Studies / 1권 / 1호
저자명 : Chang Hoon Ko

영어 초록

I suggest a theory of World Peace Island of Jeju Island as Demilitarized Zone rather than Militarized Islands for Prosperity and Peace for Pacific Civilization upon Tolerance Philosophy of Islanders in this article. In order to reach a win-win policy for both Koreas as well as the other nations involved in the so-called “Six-Party Talks”, Korean leaders for a new age of Korean unification (including President, Lee Myung-bak, the 2012 leading Presidential candidates such as Congresswoman Park Geun-hye, Congressman, Sohn Hak-kyu,Chung Se-kyun and others) must recognize a new paradigm for Korean re- unification in the context of framework of peaceful coexistence of civilizations.Even though both President Lee Myung-bak and former President Roh Moo-hyun have emphasized the Swiss model for small nations to keep the peace (military armament) rather than the Costa Rican model (disarmament), the time has come for us to think seriously and incrementally about a new paradigm toward Jeju Island as Demilitarized World Peace Island. We should learn the lessons of non-militarized autonomous regions of Madeira of Portugal,Majorca of Spain, Spitz Bergen of Norway, Åland of Finland. We should create Jeju Island as World Peace Island for peaceful Pacific beyond trauma and ordeal of colonized or militarized fate of Pacific islands such as the Okinawa of Japan, the Hawaii of United States, the Sakhalin of Russia, the Hainan Dao of Mainland China. If Jeju Island will be designated as demilitarizedPeace Island through international treaty by the Six-Party Talks Countries (USA, China, Japan, South Korea, North Korea, and Russia) by an internationaltreaty of the United Nations, we should expect Jeju Island to play an important role not only in the prosperity of Pacific civilization but also peaceful coexistence between the two Koreas.

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Role and Status of Jeju Island as a Demilitarized World Peace Island for Sustainable Pacific Civilization
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