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한국 전통수련법 움직임 구성 원리의 비교

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
17페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국문화예술교육학회 수록지정보 : 모드니 예술
저자명 : 권금희


Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 한국 전통 수련법의 형태와 구조
Ⅲ. 한국 전통 수련법 움직임 구성의 원리
Ⅳ. 결 론

영어 초록

Recently, the West’s “somatics” emerged as new studies in intellectual living body and had a large
mpact on Body Movement Therapy. Body Movement Therapies have small differences in approaching
methods, however basic principle is physical self-awareness through fusion of mind and body. Base on this
kind of identity theory, Somatic’s view is that body commands not just the simple techniques but
revelation of the human’s inner spirit. This basic method was widely used in Dance Education, which puts
in high importance. Term “Somatics” evolved along in 100 years in the West, however in the East it was evolved in long history base on fusion of mind and body.
Korea’s traditional therapy has many backgrounds (Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, etc.,), however
basic thoughts were founded on balance and harmony in fusion of mind and body.
Therapies which have these ideological backgrounds are different in time and space; however have many
similarities in movement and breathing. Especially, they are consisting of stillness and movement which
support pelvis and spine through relaxation of the body. This raises the flexibility of energy flow and even
makes healthy body and mind together. Also, these movements let our body to have perceptual abilities
(i.e. soft, strong, slow, feel, think) to be healthy by themselves. Therefore these therapy studies were done
around in Physical Education with the purpose of health focusing on ideological background and practices
The outcome shows that there are several common factors in movements of Korea’s traditional therapy.
Firstly, Hwalinshimbang, Sunmoodo, Yeongi-bup are techniques base on fusion of mind and body. These
three techniques support maintaining health by moving the energy meridian to move smoothly through
harmonizing mind and body.
Secondly, there is a slight difference in applying method, but it shows large impact in movement
Thirdly, it does not develop just the flexibility but help to maintain the correct posture by putting
internal organs in right positions. Also, movement together with the breathing relaxes the body and
naturally brings up the flexibility and helps to get state of balance.
Hwalinshimbang, Sunmoodo, Yeongi-bup, which have harmony of movement and breathing based on
identity theory, can be a meaningful discipline in level of prevention. Also, through relaxation of the body,
it makes flow of the body spirit and acupuncture points smooth. These three disciplines, which raise body
balance and flexibility, also affect body self-awareness to have accurate posture. Danjeon and pelvis are in
the center of the body balance and harmony when they meet dancer’s technique.
Hwalinshimbang, Sunmoodo, Yeongi-bup can be applied widely in movements of body balance and
harmony or injury prevention and rehabilitation. Upon these benefits, this can be maximized in artistry
effect when expressed in natural movement as human being. Continuous study is needed since there are
research findings, which explains that Korea’s traditional therapies will help not just on body and mind
healthy, but can be also applied in Dance Education, injury healing and injury prevention.

참고 자료



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