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살풀이춤에 내재된 한(恨)과 신명(神明)의 구조 : 한영숙류 살풀이춤을 중심으로

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
13페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,200원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국문화예술교육학회 수록지정보 : 모드니 예술
저자명 : 이정진


Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 한과 신명
Ⅲ. 한영숙류 살풀이춤
Ⅳ. 살풀이춤에 내재된 한과 신명의 구조
Ⅴ. 결 론

영어 초록

Salpuri Dance can be defined as one of the representative dance which expresses Korean spirit and taste,
and Han(Agony) and Sinmyeong(Mirth) best which is the basic thought of Koreans. We can say that Salpuri Dance is a dance of Sinmyeong which is on the background of Korean nation’s sad emotion, but
is proceeding to Heoung(Excitement) or the world of Sinmyeong, overcoming the sadness.
In that point, Salpuri Dance is mentioned as representative art work which featured the shape of Han
and Sinmyeong, in other words, tying and solving. It is praised higher in the point that it solves from
tied structure to solving structure, in other words, it has calmness in dynamic and dynamic in calmness,
as the form of moving in staying, which solves inside, not by revenge. Even though this is not only for
Salpuri Dance but also common for the wide range of Korean traditional dance, it should be emphasized
again that the greatness of the art of Salpuri Dance is respected in the fact that the expression of moving
in staying is more delicate.
The results of the research on Han and Sinmyeong, inherent in Salpuri Dance, are as follows;
First, Han means the situation of something staying in the mind, and this feeling, being concentrated,
composes Han. Han is a feeling of sorrow, is a spiritual tradition of Korean culture, and is a peculiar and
valuable reflective device which was discovered by Korean people.
Second, Sinmyeong, linearly, can be found in a religious flow. Being Sinmyeonged means to burn the
body charging onto the Sinbaram, which is caused by the god who received the god with body.
Sinmyeong has two feature; selflessness ritual and solving ritual. The ritual of being mad is an experience
in the exciting period of Sinmyeong, and the ritual of solving is in the finishing stage.
Third, Salpuri Dance is being appeared with dual-structure through the process of solving Han; passive
emotion and active emotion. Salpuri Dance is a dance of Sinmyeong, which sublimated tied structure to
solving structure, in other words, from Han to Sinmyeong.
Fourth, Salpuri Dance has its three essential factors; moving in staying. It forms a cycling structure
with the principle of Taegeuk, Korean traditional though.
Fifth, Salpuri Dance has recovering structure, which solves to take physical, spiritual, and realistic
stability, because it is to prevent or to solve Sal or Aek.
Sixth, Han and Sinmyeong exist not being separated but wrapping together, in other words, Sinmyeong
is the surface structure when Han is the deep structure. This feature of Salpuri Dance reveals a
paradoxical system. It has so-called paradoxical dynamic structure, in which the peak moment of tear
becomes the very moment of Sinmyeong, in other words, Han becomes Sinmyeong and Sinmyeong
becomes Han.
This way, Han and Sinmyeong in Salpuri Dance, can be defined as dual-structure, cycling structure,
recovering structure, and paradoxical dynamic structure of tying and solving. Han and Sinmyeong are
traditional emotion of Korean people, and Salpuri Dance shows its value when the traditional folk dance
can be deserved as the foundation. Currently, we, who are living in a continuously changing era under the flood of information of 21C, are making a lump in the mind, with accumulated desire for better life as a
human and for self-realization which is required by the era.

참고 자료



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살풀이춤에 내재된 한(恨)과 신명(神明)의 구조 : 한영숙류 살풀이춤을 중심으로
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2024년 05월 04일 토요일
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