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발행기관 : 영남퇴계학연구원 수록지정보 : 퇴계학논집 / 14권
저자명 : 金哲洙


1. 儒生及使臣交流中出?的性理??向
2. ?廷??中出?的性理??向

한국어 초록

고려 중기는 때마침 북송(北宋)의 신유학(新儒學) 사조(思潮)가 발흥하는 시기였다. 북송과 고려 사이의 때로는 끊기고 때로는 이어지는 정치,경제 그리고 문화교류의 상황에 따라, 특히 북송 중기 이후에는 북송의신유학 사조가 고려에 전해져서 들어오게 되었으며, 고려 중기의 유학자들은 성리학(性理學)을 중시하기 시작했다. 고려 중기의 유학 가운데 심성학(心性學)의 학문을 중시하는 경향은 먼저 학교의 교육과정에 있어서드러난다. 그 다음으로는 송(宋)나라와 고려의 사신(使臣)과 유생(儒生)들의 교류 가운데서도 또한 적지 않은 성리학 중시의 증거가 명백히 드러나며, 고려 중기의 유생과 관료 계층은 북송 신유학의 심성학을 중시하는 학술사상에 대하여 비교적 깊은 이해가 있었다. 더구나 이러한 종류의 심성학을 중시하는 경향은 궁중에서 거행되었던 각종 경전들의 강론중에 진일보된 심화가 있게 되었다.

영어 초록

The Middle of Goryeo was the time when Neo- Confucianism grew
vigorously in the Northern Song Dynasty. Along with the political,
economic and cultural exchange between Goryeo and the Northern
Song Dynasty, especially in the Middle of the Northern Song Dynasty,
Neo- Confucianism was introduced into Goryeo and the Confucian
scholars of Goryeo begun to pay attention to it. In the Middle of
Goryeo, the inclination for Neo- Confucianism was showed in the
schooling at first. Secondly, there were some facts in the
communications of the envoy and the Confucian between Goryeo
and the Northern Song Dynasty, which indicated that the Confucian
and the bureaucrats of Goryeo had deep knowledge of Neo-
Confucianism. Thirdly, the inclination for Neo- Confucianism was
deepen in the course of the time when the Neo- Confucianism
classics were discussed in the palace. However Neo- Confucianism
of the Middle of Goryeo was different from that of the Northern
Song Dynasty. Neo- Confucianism of the Northern Song Dynasty
was to against the cosmology and the mind-nature theory of
Buddhism and Taoism and had strong critical consciousness and
inheriting spirit which was not seen in Neo- Confucianism of the
Middle of Goryeo. Neo- Confucianism of the Northern Song Dynasty
which was started by HanYu and developed in Middle of the Northern
Song Dynasty with grew stronger and stronger later on while the
tendency was not seen in the Middle of Goryeo.

참고 자료



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