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A Cognitive Model for the Perception and Translation of a Three-Dimensional Object/Array onto a Two-Dimensional Surface

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
15페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,400원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국조형교육학회 수록지정보 : 조형교육 / 10권
저자명 : Mia Johnson


Perception: The Apprehension, Organisation and Integration of Sensor Data
Translation: Mapping Picture Primitives onto Scene Primitives
Implications for Art Education

한국어 초록

Rationales and programs for perceptual training should proceed from an in vestigation of the retinal and cognitive activities involved in perceptual processes; however, theory in these areas is rarely applied to art education. This paper proposes a cognitive model for the specific and detailed processes of apprehension, analysis, reflection, and production that occurduring the perception of a three-dimensional object or array I the real world and its translation into drawing or painting. Perception Involves the apprehension of optical properties and visual patterns; the application of local and global computational factors I the creation of form perception and figurai synthesis; followed by a formation of constructs about viewpoint and variants. Translation involves cognitive strategies, both perceptual and production-oriented, for acquisition, retention, and utilization. The proposed model integrates research on visual perception and cognition with art hysterical references, cybernetic analogies, and research on the capabilities of young children in drawing from observation.

영어 초록

Rationales and programs for perceptual training should proceed from an in vestigation of the retinal and cognitive activities involved in perceptual processes; however, theory in these areas is rarely applied to art education. This paper proposes a cognitive model for the specific and detailed processes of apprehension, analysis, reflection, and production that occurduring the perception of a three-dimensional object or array I the real world and its translation into drawing or painting. Perception Involves the apprehension of optical properties and visual patterns; the application of local and global computational factors I the creation of form perception and figurai synthesis; followed by a formation of constructs about viewpoint and variants. Translation involves cognitive strategies, both perceptual and production-oriented, for acquisition, retention, and utilization. The proposed model integrates research on visual perception and cognition with art hysterical references, cybernetic analogies, and research on the capabilities of young children in drawing from observation.

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A Cognitive Model for the Perception and Translation of a Three-Dimensional Object/Array onto a Two-Dimensional Surface
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