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性別에 따른 高等學校 學生들의 職業選好와 價値

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11페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국교육학회 수록지정보 : 교육학연구 / 27권 / 1호
저자명 : 李錫在


Ⅰ. 緖論
Ⅱ. 硏究 方法
Ⅲ. 結果 및 論議
Ⅳ. 要約 및 結論

영어 초록

Occupational Preferences and Values of high school students were examined for evidence of declining sex differences. Questionnaire data were collected in fall, 1988 from six high schools in Taegu City. Marked sex differences were found for the kinds of work students plan to do when they are 30 years old, the settings they would like to work in, and the work characteristics that are important to them. In the light of preceding studies, only a few of those sex differences were declining, including plans to work as "professional without doctoral degree" or in the protective service, and in preference of self-employment.
Girl students attribute more importance than do young men to the interpersonal and altruistic potential of a job as well as to the potential for stability and security and easy pace on job. On the other hand, they express less concern about both the material rewards and the amount of free time off the job. On a closer look, these differences may be summarized most parsimoniously as intrinsic versus extrinsic gratification-the distinction between rewards that come directly from the nature of the work experience itself, and rewards that result from performance of the work but that are external to the nature of the work itself. Boy students attribute more importance than do young women to the occupational values of "the income", "advancement", "difficult problems", "much vacation", "much free time", "be creative, " "use skills", and "learn new things."
The sex differences in occupational preferences and preferred work settings that are observed here may be partly a reflection of perceived opportunities in the labor market rather than an exclusive function of deep-seated value differences between young men and women.
Although most young women expect to be employed in some capacity when they are 30, and attitudes towards working women and particularly towards working mothers have become much more liberal, the job outlooks held by young women continue to be different from those held by young men. While male and female students may continue to look for different satisfaction from their work and to prefer different work settings, they apparently show some convergence in the types of occupations they plan to attain.

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性別에 따른 高等學校 學生들의 職業選好와 價値
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