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The Effects of Antlers with the Oriental Medicine, and Scientific Aspect

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6페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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The Effects of Antlers with the Oriental Medicine, and Scientific Aspect
How old is the earth? The earth is 4.54 billion years old. During those long decades, the earth has been through many alternations including lives living in the planet. According to history of the earth, various changes which have been occurred in the earth can be discovered such as evolution, which is modification of organisms, continental drift theory, and civilization of human being etc. However, it is difficult to determine that those changes have always headed toward positive direction. In other words, those alternations have not only leaded some organisms to become advanced, but also made some organisms to become atrophied. For example, cultures and scientific technology of human society have generally developed from being uncivilized to become civilized. In contrary, it cannot bed the question that evolution, which is descent with modification, indicates advanced modification of organism. It is well-known knowledge that scientists cannot predict the accurate future of the evolution, because the evolution can be caused by several conditions.

참고 자료

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Sung-Hui T, Hsin-Ching S, Lih-Geeng C, et al. Effects of Velvet Antler with Blood on Bone in Ovariectomized Rats.Molecules[serial online]. September 2012;17(9):10574-10585. Available from: Academic Search Elite, Ipswich, MA. Accessed April 29, 2013.
고병희, 김광호, 송일병. An Experimental Study of 4 Kinds of Deer horn on Immunological Effects. Korean Oriental Medicine Society. April 1991: pp.187-202 1010-0695 KCI
안덕균. Clinical Effects of Velvet Antler in Oriental Medicine. 양록회보. February 2003: 8(2) 107-111
Rachel Nuwel. From Beijing to New York: The dark side of traditional Chinese medicine. Scienceline. June 29, 2011
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The Effects of Antlers with the Oriental Medicine, and Scientific Aspect
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