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동서대학교 영미문학과 소통 기말고사

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"동서대학교 영미문학과 소통 기말고사"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. James Joyce <Araby from DUBLINERS>
2. Blake - A Poison Tree
3. Milton – On his blindness
4. Kate Chopin <The Story of Hour>


James Joyce <Araby from DUBLINERS>
1. Dubliners
15 short stories : 15개의 단편 소설수록
Araby도 15개 중 하나의 이야기
- published in 1914
- the last 3 ones : A mother. Grace, The Dead
- Stories are interwoven, like a tapest
- Themes of Dubliners : It is about the people of Dublin. It is as much about all us and the limits we often set ourselves.
- Written apparently after the other 14 storeis and improvised by experiment, “The Dead” is at once the summary and climax of Dubliners.
- The dead : Moral again, the theme involves the sins of pride, envy, lust, warth, and the virtue of charity

as one of the greatest writers of the 20th Century,

James Joyce was born in Dublin, Ireland in 1882. James Joyce is considered the father of stream of consciousness.(의식의 흐름의 아버지) modernism = stream of consciousness the author strays as far away from the rules of normal writing to the point where the reader is given the sense that he or she is “reading” the mind of the narrator.

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