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Aztec 작품 내용 [원본]

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2페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


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About eight hundred years ago, a group of people called the Mexica began moving away from their homeland in northern Mexico. Sometime in the 1200s, they moved to a valley hundreds of miles to the south. There they built a great city. Today, that valley is home to one of the world’s largest cities-Mexico City. When they arrived, the Mexica found other people already living in the valley. The other people lived on the best, most fertile land. The Mexica had to make do with the land that no one else wanted and they struggled to survive in their new home. However, the Mexica did have a skill that served them well. They were fierce warriors. In the many wars that were fought for control of the valley, everyone wanted the Mexica as allies. As a result, the Mexcia became one of the most powerful groups in the valley. Eventually, they joined forces with two other peoples-the Tepaneca and the Acolhuaca. These three groups formed the Triple Alliance. Together, they began building a vast empire centered in the valley. Today we call the people of that empire the Aztec.
The Aztec ruled the greatest empire in Mexican history. At one point, it covered more than 80.000 square miles. That is about the size of Utah. At one point the Aztec ruled over more than 12 million people. The Aztec empire began with the building of the city of Tenochtitlan. The Aztec believed that one of their gods had given them instructions on where to build their city. They believed that their god had promised to send them a sign. If they saw an eagle perched on cactus holding a serpent in its beak, it would be a sign from their god to settle in that spot. According to Aztec legend, they saw just such a sight on a marshy island in the middle of Lake Texcoco. They began building their city there sometime around 1325. The island in the lake was a difficult place to build a city. As Tenochtitlan grew, the Aztec had to

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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