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버락오바마의 당선이 미국의 소수민족에 대한 태도를 변화 시킬지에 관한 에세이 입니다.
외국인 첨삭 받은 글입니다.




Dozens of years later, can a Korean American in the United States become president like Obama? Barack Hussein Obama was elected as the 44th president of the United States on November 6, 2008. He is the first African-American to be elected president in U.S. history. The theme for Barack Obama`s inauguration festivities in January will be "A New Birth of Freedom," a quote from one of the 19th century`s most revered texts, Abraham Lincoln`s Gettysburg Address. Will the words work for minorities in America? The answer is negative. A big change is rather far away, if you consider these three reasons.
Stereotypes or prejudices have an unalterable nature. Particularly in Korea, the last Roh Muhyun administration used the similar catchphrase ’Unification of the people.’ However, regionalism between Kyungsang and Junra province didn’t disappear in spite of the President Roh’s efforts. Also, stereotypes or prejudices tend to be made by majorities. When it comes to the United States population by race, Caucasians are still 80%, Blacks 13% and Hispanics and Asians 20%. It means that the election of Barack Obama is a miracle, sweeping away this overwhelming racial barrier.

참고 자료

Emil Guillermo, “Obama’s Minority Dream” Aug 28, 2008
< http://news.newamericamedia.org/>
Adam Nagourney, “Obama Wins Election; McCain Loses as Bush Legacy Is Rejected” Nov 4, 2008
Indianyogi, “Obama, is He Really Good for Asian Minority?” Sep 25, 2008
Dan Nakaso, “Family precedent: Obama`s grandmother blazed trails” Jul 4, 2008
< http://www.usatoday.com/>
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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