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5페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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B2B와 B2C에 대한 소개, 그리고 그에 대한 케이스 분석, 이를 통하여 어떤 E-Commerce가 앞으로 더욱 효율적일 것인가를 논한 보고서입니다.


Introduction : B2B & B2C - Hot Issue in E-Commerce
Part I. Business To Business(B2B)
1. Definition
2. B2B Model
3. Characteristic of B2B
Part II. Business To Customer(B2C)
1. Definition
2. B2C Model
3. Characteristic of B2C B2C
Part III. Applications
1. Best Practice of B2B
2. Best Practice of B2C
Part IV. Comparison between B2B & B2C
Conclusion : Future of E-Commerce


The definition of E-Commerce is "Ordering and dealing the products among business, consumers, and government, and the formation of the relationship between the customers and distributors". As businesses incorporate Internet technology into their core business processes, they start to achieve real business value. Today, companies are using the web to communicate with their partners, to connect with their back-end data systems, and to transact commerce. This is where the strength and reliability of traditional informational technology meet the Internet. LSU Center for virtual organization and commerce - http://projects.bus.lsu.edu
The names of each type of E-Commerce are formed by two objects-one who sells the products and the other who purchases from the seller. They are B2B(Business To Business), B2C(Business To Consumer), G2B(Government To Business), G2C(Government To Consumer), etc. The most important types of E-Commerce are B2B and B2C. Therefore, analyzing these two topics is essential for understanding information system in E-Commerce area.

참고 자료

1. Articles & Books
(1) Irina Noniska, `Access Control and Management in B2C Model of Electronic Commerce(2003)`
(2) Choi Jae Seob.『Distribution Information(In The e-biz Era)』 ,Hyunhak. 2003
(3) Internet Matrix (Mar. 2004, 2003, 2002)
(4) Chae Yoon Jung. Digital Times. `Auction adopts "Trust-seller"`(2006-10-16)
2. Web Sites
(1) LSU Center for virtual organization and commerce - http://projects.bus.lsu.edu
(2) CIO Decisions - http://searchcio.techtarget.com
(3) Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
(4) What is B2B? - http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-b2b.htm
(5) B2C - http://projects.bus.lsu.edu/independent_study/vdhing1/b2c/
(6) iMarketKorea - http://www.imarketkorea.co.kr
(7) DBGuide.net
(8) Auction - http://www.auction.co.kr
(9) Electronic Markets - http://www.electronicmarkets.org/netacademy/publications.nsf/all_pk/260
(10) Naver Blog - http://blog.naver.com/afin8562/150020986978


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