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영어로 자신의 미래 계획 작성(의사) `My dynamic life as a doctor`

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


영어로 제 미래 계획을 작성해본 자료 입니다.




I wanted to be a doctor since I was a kid. So I often searched the internet or looked up books about being a doctor. From that my conclusion about being a doctor is that it is a static profession. Practicing in a university hospital or a private hospital isn`t that different. In a day from 9 to 6 o`clock doctors take care of the patients. The next day doesn`t have a big difference. But I want to live a dynamic life. I want to experience variety of things and meet many people to enrich my life. Also I want to be a successful doctor that makes a big contribution to medical science. I will take care of patients but I will focus mainly on conducting researches. 10 years from now in 2018 I will be a resident at the Sungsim hospital.
I will be physically tired but I will improve my medical skills and study medical knowledge of what I`m majoring in. Additionally I will be studying for the United States Medical Licensing Examination. My goal is to be a doctor who is famous not only in Korea but also internationally. So I need to do medical practices in foreign countries to learn new advanced medical knowledge. And also I will be doing medical volunteer activities worldwide. To do that I need a medical license which has approval in many countries

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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영어로 자신의 미래 계획 작성(의사) `My dynamic life as a doctor`
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