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How can cultural traditions influence a nation’s globalization and economic development?

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


How can cultural traditions influence a nation’s globalization and economic development?


1. How can cultural traditions influence a nation’s globalization and economic development?

2. Evaluate the relative importance of the state in explaining the industrial achievement of the tigers, dragons, and China.


1. How can cultural traditions influence a nation’s globalization and economic development?
Culture and tradition can also affect the economic development of a nation, and we can see this in the examples of the capitalist friendly Protestantism in Europe and the Confucian culture of China and the tigers. It is said that culture can affect economic behavior of a country in several ways: “through its impact on organization and production, through attitudes towards consumption and work, through the ability to create and manage institutions, and through creation of social networks.” These cultures are derived from historical backgrounds, mere tradition, and also religion/beliefs.
Many other religions, different from Protestantism meant rejecting the world including economic pursuit. However Protestantism encourages rational economic gain and they attach a spiritual meaning to these activities for economic achievements. Therefore countries that encouraged protestant beliefs encouraged people to work harder and pursue economic benefits for themselves, claiming this spiritual and ‘a calling from God’.
Not only European Protestantism is an example of culture influencing the economic activities of a nation, but also we can see the effects of Confucianism in China and the tigers.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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How can cultural traditions influence a nation’s globalization and economic development?
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