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Changing role of women/role of media in our lives./Benefits of learning english.

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
8페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1.Changing role of women
2.role of media in our lives.
3.Benefits of learning english.


Changing role of women
With development of IT, the 21st century is fast becoming a knowledge-based information society. The growth of information is increasingly changing the style and culture of our lives. Given these circumstances, the level of information is recognized as an important indicator of development. However, although we are in the era of IT, women's level of information is highly unequal to that of men.

▲Domestic and international interests and efforts in women's information.
1.International interests and efforts
Currently, there is a lot of global attention on gender and IT issues as evidence by conferences among governments, and many international organizations such as the UN (United Nations), APEC(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation).
The UN, the leading organization about women's affairs, has specific organizations for women, working to promote women's issues and concerns through cooperation with various social institutions.
During the APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) conference, At the national level, it continues to educate on gender perception and establishing gender-disaggregated statistics and educate gender experts and women specialists about international relation activities in all the member countries.
2.Domestic interests and efforts
In Korea, Women's Information programs operate in governmental levels such as Internet education for two million house wives and e-Biz experts education.

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Changing role of women/role of media in our lives./Benefits of learning english.
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