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(Expository Essay)The Different ways of curing and preventing memory loss and dementia

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
3페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


20점 만점에 19.5점 받은 에세이 입니다.

교정 마쳤습니다.




There are many differences between memory loss and dementia. Memory loss is simply normal forgetfulness which is not as serious a problem. However, dementia is a sort of disease which ruins your daily life with forgetfulness as a symptom. It becomes more serious as time goes by and eventually it makes you lose your memory entirely. Memory loss and dementia are similar in forgetting something, but they have different causes. Memory loss and dementia need different cures and prevention to be treated adequately.
Memory loss can be prevented by doing simple things in your daily life. These simple things are related to forming habits which are good for the prevention of memory loss. The first thing is to develop the habit of taking a memo whenever you have something to do. If you do many things at the same time, it would make you less attentive and more prone to forget something. Accordingly, it would be better for you to make the habit of taking a memo in order to prevent normal forgetfulness in your daily life. The second thing is to have a hobby which is helpful for using your brain. For example, playing games like chess promotes brain activation.

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(Expository Essay)The Different ways of curing and preventing memory loss and dementia
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