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영문컬러 마케팅 리서치페이퍼(Works Cited 포함)

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In conclusion, the unconventional color image of the product please the eyes of the customers, not to mention that it has the effect of advertising the product’s brand. Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe emphasized the importance of color said 200 years ago, and said “Not managing the color scientifically is just like a young boy trying to play an instrument without music.” It is still issue of this era. It needs to be acknowledged that the color should not just be noted as a superficial quality decoration, but be recognized as one of the critical design factors that boost the competitiveness of the product in the industry. As mentioned before, changing colors simply to become different might bring about failure, just like the cases of ‘Crystal Pepsi’ and ‘Accent’; the color of the product should be able to satisfy the customers’ wants. Since the customers’ wants are complex and changeable, firms should conduct an accurate investigation and analysis to make the color marketing a success. (Johnson)

참고 자료

Apple. (“Apple Caps Fiscal Year With Strong Results”; Oct. 14, 1998. Aug 11, 2007
< http://www.apple.com/ca/press/1998/10/FY98Results.html>)
Bartel, M. K . “The Forgotten Soft Drink”. Aug.2007 <http://crystalpepsi.captainmike.org/>
Crystal Pepsi. Wikipedia Aug. 2007
DuPont Herberts Automotive Systems, Troy, Mich. 2006 DuPont Automotive Color Popularity Survey Results. <www.automotive.dupont.com>
Fehrman, Kenneth & Cherie. Color.: the Secret Influence. New Jersey:
Pearson Education, 2004.
Hyundai Accent newspaper commercial”;
I.R.I. Color Design, Satisfaction of Sensitivity! Color Marketing. Seoul:
Young Jin.com, 2004
Johnson, David. “Color Psychology Do Different Colors Affect Your Mood?” <http://www.infoplease.com/spot/colors1.html>
M&M’s “main page”; Aug 14, 2007<http://us.mms.com/us/>
M&M’s “SGK”, Aug 14, 2007 http://www.mymms.com/sgk)
Michael. “Apple History: Evolution of the iMac” Applegazette; Aug. 7 2007. Aug 11,
2007 < http://www.applegazette.com/imac/apple-history-evolution-of-the-imac/>)
Morton, Jill. (“The IMac-1998 Computers That Think Different” Color Matters;
August16,1999. August 11, 2007 <http://www.colormatters.com/chatimac.html>)
Ries, Al and Laura. “The Laws of Color” The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding.
New York: Collins, 2002.
“Top 5 Soft Drinks In The U.S.” Beverage Marketing Corporation
April30, 1999 Vol.4 No.25
Wikipedia.“Crystal Pepsi”. Aug. 2007 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystal_Pepsi>
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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