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[영문]What is the New American Way of Life after September 11? 9/11테러이후 미국인의 바뀐점

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
17페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


[Understanding America] [영문리포트] [Enaglish Repot]
One`s private view and American students` view about


1. Introduction
2. Main Subject
3. Conclusion
4. Notes
5, Appendix


❏ Introduction

September 11th, 2001 began tragically when a hijacked commercial

airliner plummeted into the north tower of the World Trade Center.(WTC)

Now, this letters became proper noun on the world. We knew terror

happen from before experienced thing but that day`s happen was no body

foresee thing. Furthermore, It was definitely not to American, too.

Before What the New American Way of Life after September 11 is, I should

explain that the Twin Towers: World Trade Center(WTC), in Manhattan was what

meaning to American and the prior days` life of American. The Twin Towers was

both things that America Capitalism`s symbol and Manhattan`s symbol with The

Statue of Liberty. It was located at Wall St. in Manhattan and Wall Street is

Mecca of the world economy and also, September 11th is not confine the WTC.

That day had three other terrors at Washington D.C. D.C is United States`s capital city.

So this mean is that American got a serious wound. Their pride were broken in pieces.

참고 자료

"What is the different things after September 11th?" - Kuk-Han, Youn(Internet Hankyoreh)
"After 9/11"(In front of picture just pick it up at this book) - Nathan Lyons / Marvin Bell / Richard Benson(Yale University Press)
PBS Broadcasting Station`s Internet Homepage
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[영문]What is the New American Way of Life after September 11? 9/11테러이후 미국인의 바뀐점
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