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최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


이 문서는 밀리언달러베이비 라는 영화를 본 후 영어로 작성한 감상문입니다.
영어 쓰기와 관련된 필수교양 수업 레포트로 만점을 받았고,
담당 교수의 첨삭을 거쳤습니다.


About Million Dollar Baby

Thesis: Million Dollar Baby is touching movie.

1) Synopsis
relationship between woman boxer who is poor and old trainer who is stand firmly by his thinking.

2) Act
good playing
Star- Clint Eastwood/Frankie who is trainer
- Hilary Swank/Maggie
- Morgan Freeman/Scrap who is old friend of Frankie

3) Prize
77th Academy award - Best motion picture of the year
- Achievement in directing
- Performance by an actor in a supporting role
- Performance by an actress in a leading role

4) Impressed word of the movie
Million Dollar Baby
Mo Cuishle

5)Conclusion of movie
Mercy killing, touching story.


Do you like drama? Do you like boxing movies? If your answer to both questions is yes, this movie is an excellent choice. Million Dollar Baby which was released in December, 2004 teaches you what is true love, and what is true value. In this movie, you will find happiness, sorrow, love, and meaning of family. Million Dollar Baby is a touching movie.

Million Dollar Baby shows that relationship between woman boxer who is poor and old trainer who is stand firmly by his thinking. It has three main characters. Maggie whois played by Hilary Swank is the heroine in this movie.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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