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[영화감상문] 밀리언달러 베이비 -영어 영화감상문

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


밀리언 달러 베이비를 보고 적은 영어 영화 감상문입니다. Summary와 개인적 감상평이 들어가있습니다 :) 도움 되시기를 바랍니다.




Million Dollar Baby
The movie, "Million Dollar Baby"which was released in 2004 stars Clint Eastwood and Hilary Swank. Frankie (Clint Eastwood) was a famous boxing trainer however, he became skeptical about everything because of the bad relationship with his daughter. It seems that he doesn’t have relatives. He’s only pleasure is running an old boxing training center with his only friend, Edie. One day, an aspiring boxer, Maggie (Hilary Swank) comes to Frankie’s training center saying she wants to be a boxer. However, Frankie coldly tells her to give up. He thinks that she cannot be a boxer like 31-year-old girl doesn’t dream of being a ballerina. Even though he coldly told her that, Maggie starts to show up and practice every day at Frankie’s training center. Thanks to Maggie’s consistent efforts, Frankie decides to become her trainer. While they are working together, they feel like they are father and daughter. It is largely because they have one thing in common. Actually, they have a family but Frankie and his daughter have estranged. Maggie’s family also doesn’t help her but just wants her to do something for them. For this reason, they are getting closer as family and friends. Finally, Maggie starts to win on big matches.Unfortunately, however, she falls into a vegetable state because of the big match. Frankie decided to let her go without pain.
2.Personal Reaction
In some way, this movie makes me think about love of family.

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