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[영어작문]사형제도 반대

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Like the other social issues, it is very hard to answer the question about capital punishment - maintenance or abolition. It is a problem about value judgement and priority order. Perhaps, it may be a back and forth. We all know that this judgement should be made from an objective view, but we can`t criticize the opposite opinions easily. For example, although somebody once argued for the abolition of capital punishment, if his/her family get killed by murderer, then it will be very hard to maintain his/her opinion firmly. Like this, it is a complex problem. In the movies which treat of capital punishment such as `Dead man walking`, we can see the complicacies of this problem. But unfortunately, in spite of the hardness of determination, we still need to make a decision. And the decision has to be reasonable.
People who are for the capital punishment insist that it can reduce the major crime rate such as murder. They usually talk about Singapore. This country is famous for the strict penalty system and the low crime rate.

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