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DNA 연구와 해석

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
13페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


이 글은 아주 완성도가 높고 upper biology class 에서 최고 점수를 받았습니다...
정말 오래걸려썼습니다...Abstract를 읽어보시고 필요한 내용이시면 제대로 점수는 보장합니다...일단 DNA실험들...해석방법...종합적인 bio-techniques~!!


Key words
Methods and Materials


The ITS (internal transcribed spacer region) extracted from DNA of a plant organism, Allinium fistulosum was amplified through PCR process, which makes a number of copies of genes. After purification of DNA fragments, the restriction enzymes cut specific sites on the DNA and were inserted into a plasmid. The plating experiment proved the presence of DNA insert in the vector of a plasmid. Numerous only blue colonies found in the plating experiment indicated that no colonies contained a cloned PCR fragment. These various techniques and samples used for the DNA experiments emphasize the importance of DNA extraction and molecular cloning methods to maximize reliability and competence of genotyping. A new strand was examined using gel electrophoresis to separate different molecules based on physical characteristics such as size, shape, or charge. The analysis of the gel electrophoresis and the restriction enzyme mapping verified the orientation of the PCR fragment, which was anti-parallel, and the sequence homology using the chromatogram and BLAST interpreted the common ancestor from the similarities of the reference DNA sequences. The results of this study supported the hypothesis; the DNA coding region for the 5.8s ribosomal RNA subunit cloned by several Biotechniques steps would have the same sequence of bases as Allium fistulosum DNA originally had.

참고 자료

Boylan, Michael, and Kevin E. Brown. Genetic Engineering. New Jersey: Pearson Education
Inc., 2001.

Brown, Bonnie. (2006). Sequencing Laboratory Methods. Virginia Commonwealth University, Department of Biology.

Chiu, Wan-Ling. (2006). Molecular Cloning and Gene Transfer. Virginia Commonwealth University, Department of Biology.

Matveyev, A.V. (2006). DNA Purification and Restriction Analysis. Virginia Commonwealth University, Department of Biology.

Matveyev, A.V. (2006). Plasmid Isolation and DNA Restriction Analysis. Virginia Commonwealth University, Department of Biology.

National Center for Human Genome Research, National Institutes of Health. “New Tools for
Tomorrow’s Health Research”. Department of Health and Service. 1992. http://www.accessexcellence.org/RC/AB/IE/Intro_The_Human_Genome.html.

Nelson, L. David, and Cox, M. Michael. “Principles of Biochemistry”. New York: Freeman and
Company. 2004. 4th Edition.

Plunkett, Gregory. (2006). Total DNA Extractions and Polymerase Chain Reacti


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