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[식품]The Benefits of Organic Food

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최종 저작일
14페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 5,000원 할인쿠폰받기


영국 대학에서 좋은 점수를 받는 레포트 입니다. 영문 자료가 필요하신 분, 혹은 영국쪽 스타일의 레포트가 필요하신 분들께 필요한 자료가 될 것입니다.



Identifying organic food

History of organic food

Benefits of organic food

Environmental impact

Nutritional value




Organic food still has unanswered questions whether organic systems could offer a guarantee of standards. Some customers who turn to organic food have an almost blind belief in its superiority, even believing it is intrinsically healthier. Organic farmers and food producers command a higher price because of the label and not necessarily because their produce is well-made and tasty. Some conventional growers say their hi-tech pest control and animal medication is better than the low-tech methods used in organic farming, and that in livestock farming this has implications for animal welfare. As organic food becomes big business, some of its green credentials can become diluted. Take air miles. While the Government aims to make 70 percent of organic food sold in England home-grown by 2010, around 70 percent of organic food sold in UK supermarkets is currently imported (Ellis, 2006). Many experts in organic food offer a broad response to such questions. They maintain organic systems offer a guarantee of standards. It is then up to the consumer to decide what is `good` and what is `less good`. From a farmer`s perspective, to go organic is not an easy option. It is likely that most organic producers are part of the movement in the true spirit of sustainability and good food. If a customer shops directly from producers it helps the customer work out who the customer trusts.

참고 자료

Blythman, J. (2005) Banana Wars. Harper Perennial.

Deardorff, J. (2005) The organic label just won’t stick if feds keep this up. Chicago Tribune.

Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (2003) Organic Food and Farming. Action plan area. Annex 3: Organic farming and the environment. Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs.

FAO (2000) Food safety and quality as affected by organic farming.
Twenty second FAO Regional Conference for Europe. July.
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