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[네트워크]DataCommunication and Networking (forouzan)

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6페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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DataCommunication and Networking (forouzan)
chapter 17.
review questions / Exercises 정답


Review Questions
1. What is the relationship between a base station and a mobile switching center?
2. What are the functions of a mobile switching center?
3. Which is better, a low reuse factor or a high reuse factor? Explain your answer.
4. What is the difference between a hard handoff and a soft handoff?
5. What is AMPS?
6. What is the relationship between D-AMPS and AMPS?
7. What is GSM?
8. What is the function of the CDMA multiplexer in IS-95?
9. What are the three types of orbits?
10. Which type of orbit does a GEO satellite have? Explain your answer.
11. What is a footprint?
12. What is the relationship between the Van Allen belts and satellite?
13. Compare an uplink with downlink.
14. What is the purpose of GPS?
15. What is the main difference between Iridium and Globalstar?

41. Draw a cell pattern with a frequency reuse factor of 3.
43. What is the maximum number of callers in each cell in an IS-136 (D-AMPS) system?
45. What is the maximum number of callers in each cell in and IS-95 system?
47. What is the efficiency of D-AMPS in terms of callers per megahertz of bandwidth?
49. What is the efficiency of IS-95 in terms of callers per megahertz of bandwidth?
51. How many slots are sent in each second in a system using D-AMPS? How many slots are sent by each user in 1s?
53. In Is-95, how many digital channels are available in each cell?
55. Use Kepler`s formula to check the accuracy of a given period and altitude for a GPS satellite.
57. Use Kelpler`s formula to check the accuracy of a given period and altitude for a Globalstar satellite.


1. What is the relationship between a base station and a mobile switching center?
각 셀은 하나의 안테나를 포함하는 base station에 의해 제어된다.
그리고 각 base station은 다시 교환국인 mobile switching center에 의해 제어된다.

2. What are the functions of a mobile switching center?
Mobile switching center(MSC)는 각 base station을 제어한다.
MSC는 모든 기지국과 telephone central office 간의 통신을 조정한다.
MSC는 컴퓨터화된 센터로서 전화 호출을 연결하고, 호출정보를 기록하며, 과금을 하는 일을 한다.

3. Which is better, a low reuse factor or a high reuse factor? Explain your answer.
각각의 frequency reuse factor에서 만약 각 셀 클러스터 당 적용한 통화 채널이 500개 가지고 있다고 하면 셀 당 할당할 수 있는 통화 채널수를 계산해 보면, frequency reuse factor가 3인 경우는 500/3= 166개, N = 4인 경우는 500/4 =125개, N=7인 경우 71개, N = 12인 경우는 42개로, frequency reuse factor가 작아질수록 각 셀에 배정할 수 있는 통화 채널수가 많아진다는 것을 알 수 있다. 즉 가능하면 frequency reuse factor를 작게 하면 셀 당 할당할 수 있는 통화 채널수가 증가하여 단위 면적당 채널수가 증가한다는 것을 알 수 있다.
그렇다고 frequency reuse factor를 작게 하면 cell 당 할당할 수 있는 통화 채널 수는 증가하지만 cell 사이의 거리가 짧아지므로 서로의 간섭량이 증가한다. 따라서 무조건 frequency reuse factor를 줄일 수는 없다.

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[네트워크]DataCommunication and Networking (forouzan)
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