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(영문) 14-day limit on embryo research

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"14-day limit on embryo research"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Introduction
2. Human embryos in vitro and the 14-day rule
3. Moral status of embryos
4. Slippery slope
5. Benefits of extended embryo research – utilitarian point of view
6. Conclusion


The 14-day rule, proposed in the Warnock Report in 1984,1 has been widely accepted as the standard regulation which restricts the duration for in vitro embryo research since it was first introduced. With rapid advancement in biomedical science, however, experts from interdisciplinary fields have begun to question whether this nearly 40-year-old rule still serves science and society in an optimal way, and some call for a regulatory reform which may further amplify the clinical advantages from embryo research.

In this paper, I will critically analyse how therapeutic benefits from extended embryo research exceed the significance purportedly enshrined in the moral status of the developing embryo. I will start by outlining the emergence of the 14-day rule with regard to embryo research, then briefly present the recent breakthroughs which raised the possibility of the revision to this rule. I then will scrutinise how the alleged moral status of..

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