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충수돌기염 약물치료 급성맹장염 약물치료 관련 저널 요약발표 - Delayed Operative Management in Complicated Acute Appendicitis-Is Avoiding Extended Resection Worth the Wait ? Results from a Global Cohort Study

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
33페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
가격 4,500원 할인쿠폰받기


Delayed Operative Management in Complicated Acute Appendicitis-Is Avoiding Extended Resection Worth the Wait ? Results from a Global Cohort Study
Rodrigo Moisés de Almeida Leite 1 2, Alexandre Venancio de Souza 3, Camdem Phillip Bay 4, Christy Cauley 4, Liliana Bordeianou 4, Rob Goldstone 4, Todd Francone 4, Hiroko Kunitake 4, Rocco Ricciardi 5

Background: The optimal management of complicated acute appendicitis remains undefined. According to current guidelines, a trial of non-operative management with delayed appendectomy may be associated with better outcomes for patients, including a reduced rate of extended resection appendectomy.


1. Introduction
2. Method
3. Result
4. Discussion
5. Conclusion


Journal 선정 배경

Periumbilical, lower abdominal pain (10 DA) 으로 내원한 64세 남자환자, CT에서, Perforated appendicitis with periappendiceal abscess (6cm in size) 소견
Medical history : Lung Cancer(세브란스 병원 항암 치료중), Hx of renal cancer ( s/p OP )
=> PCD, 추후delayed OP예정

<중 략>

Delayed intervention can be an appropriate choice for hemodynamically stable patients with complicated appendicitis

Guideline 상에서 hemodynamically stable acute complicated appendicitis환자에서 non operative intervention with antibiotics 가 추천되고 있지만, data에 따르면 75%의 환자들은 보통 24시간 내에 수술을 받는다.

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충수돌기염 약물치료 급성맹장염 약물치료 관련 저널 요약발표 - Delayed Operative Management in Complicated Acute Appendicitis-Is Avoiding Extended Resection Worth the Wait ? Results from a Global Cohort Study
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