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보일러의 효율적인 저가 설계 열유동해석 (영어 발표 cfd ppt 자료 및 레포트)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
34페이지/파일확장자 압축파일
가격 7,000원 할인쿠폰받기


"보일러의 효율적인 저가 설계 (열유체 cfd 영문 ppt, 영문 보고서)"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Background Theory

2. Method
2.1 Model geometry
2.2 Mesh
2.3 Analysis

3. Result
3.1 Case 1
3.2 Case 2
3.3 Case 3
3.4 Case 4
3.5 Heat Transfer(Q)

4. Discussion

5. Conclusion

6. References

7. Appendices


As global warming becomes more serious, eco-friendly technology is drawing attention. One of them is an economizer machine that recover energy from waste heat and uses it again. Such economizers are also installed in boilers that are common around the house, so we have sought to increase the efficiency of economizers of boilers in this project. To determine the conditions of the highly efficient economizer, we tested it by changing various elements. First, it was tested by changing three materials: aluminum, copper, and stainless steel (STS304). The heat transfer (Q) is calculated as 888.33W, 782W, and 721.91W, respectively, and copper with the highest heat transfer was the most efficient material. Then, it was tested by changing the diameter of the pipe. It was tested with aluminum pipes of 11 mm, 22mm and 33 mm, showing heat transfer of 45.85 W, 782 W and 168.9 W, respectively. It was also tested as pipe with 6 bending & 70mm distance between pipes by changing number of bending and the distance between the pipes, and it showed 464.32 W of heat transfer.

참고 자료

Frank P. Incropera, David P. DeWitt, hedore L. Bergman, Adrienne S. Lavine (2019) INCROPERA’S PRINCIPLES OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, GLOBAL EDITION(8TH EDITION)
“What is heat transfer?”, Internet: https://www.simscale.com/docs/simwiki/heat-transfer-thermal analysis/what-is-heat-transfer/, March.8 2021, [May.26,2021]
이금배, 저온 폐열회수 고효율 응축형 절탄기 개발, KOSEF 961-1005-040-2(1998)
지식경제부, 고성능 컴팩트 절탄기/공기예열기 상용화 개발, 2005-E-ID11-P-08-0-000(2008), pg.61~68
경동도시가스, “도시가스(LHG)”, Internet: http://mafra-win.korcham.net/nFile/Consult/Business/consult_20140616122122.PDF, [May.26,2021]
“Jindal SS 304 Pipe Price List, Stainless steel 304 Seamless Pipe Price”, Internet: Jindal SS 304 Pipe Price List, Stainless Steel 304 Seamless Pipe Price (neelconsteel.com), [May.26,2021]
“QFD”, Internet: https://www.ktpm.co.kr/m04/down.php?no=1548&file_name=1Define-%C7%C1%B7%CE%C1%A7%C6%AE%BC%B1%C1%A43-%C7%B0%C1%FA%B1%E2%B4%C9%C0%FC%B0%B3(QFD).pdf), [May.26,2021]
The Engineering ToolBox, “ Maximum Flow Velocities in Water Systems”, Internet: Maximum Flow Velocities in Water Systems (engineeringtoolbox.com), [May.26,2021]
“ANSYS Fluent Tutorial | Analysis of Double Pipe Counterflow Heat Exchanger | ANSYS 19 R3”, Internet: ANSYS Fluent Tutorial | Analysis of Double Pipe Counterflow Heat Exchanger | ANSYS 19 R3 | Part 1/3 – YouTube, [May.18,2021]

압축파일 내 파일목록

Designing Effective of Economizer of Boiler.pptx
Designing Efficient Economizer of Boiler.docx
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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