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단국대학교 기술경영론(김흥규) 과제 모범 답안

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
9페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


단국대학교 기술경영론(김흥규 교수님) 과제관련 모범답안 부분입니다.
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1. Chapter 1
1) Why is innovation so important for firms to compete in many industries?
2) What are some of the advantages of technological innovation? Disadvantages?
3) Why do you think so many innovation projects fail to generate an economic return?

2. Chapter2
1) What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of a) individuals as innovators, b) firms as innovators, c) universities as innovators, d) government institutions as innovators, e) nonprofit organizations as innovators?
2) What trails appear to make individuals most creative? are these same trails that that lead to successful inventions?
3) Could firms identify people with greater capacity for creativity or inventiveness in their hiring procedures?
4) To what degree do you think the creativity of the firm is a function of the creativity of individuals, versus the structure, routines, incentives, and culture of the firm? Can you give an example of a firm that does a particularly good job at nurturing and leveraging the creativity of its individuals?
5) Several studies indicate that the use of collaborate research agreement is increasing around the world. What are some reasons collaborate research is becoming more prevalent?

3. Chapter3
1) What are some reasons that established firms might resist adopting a new technology?
2) Are well-established firms or new entrants more likely to develop and/or adopt new technologies? why?
3) Think of example of an innovation you have studied at work or school. How would you characterize it on the dimension described at the beginning of the chapter?
4) What are some reasons that both technology improvement and technology diffusion exhibit S-shape curves?
5) why do technologies often improve faster than customer requirements? what are the advantages and disadvantages to a firm of developing a technology beyond the current state of market needs?
6) in what industries would you expect to see particularly short technology cycles? In what industries would you expect to see particularly long technology cycles? what factors might influence the length of technology cycles in an industries?

4. Chapter4
1) what are some of sources of increasing return to adoptions?
2) what are some example of industries not mentioned in the chapter that demonstrate increasing returns of adoption?
3) what are some of the ways a firm can try to increase the overall value of its technology and its likelihood of becoming the dominant design?
4) what determines whether an industry is likely to have one or a few dominant design?
5) Are dominant designs good for consumers? competitors? complementors? suppliers?

5. Chapter5
1) what are some advantage of entering a market early? Are there any advantages to entering a market late?
2) Name a successful (a)first mover (b)early follower (c)late entrant. Identify unsuccessful example of each.
3) what factors might make some industries harder to pioneer than others? Are there industries in which there is to penalty for late entry?


Chapter 1
1. Why is innovation so important for firms to compete in many industries?
기술 혁신을 통해서 기업입장에서 더 많은 기업들이 고객들이 선호하는 더 많은 제품이나 서비스를 프로세스 이노베이션을 통해 값싼 가격에 제공함으로 차별화 된 경쟁력을 얻을 수 있기 때문
생산 라이프사이클 가속화, 더욱 빠르고 새로운 상품이 소개, 마켓 세분화
->기업 입장에서는 이러한 시스템을 도입함을 인해 차별화된 많은 제품을 시장에 내놓을 수가 있음.

2. What are some of the advantages of technological innovation? Disadvantages?
장점 : 기술혁신은 사회 전체적으로 많은 사람들에게 더 많은 서비스와 제품을 공급할 수 있게 함, 노동과 자본을 좀 더 효율적으로 효과적으로 이용함으로 주어진 자본 하에 GDP의 생산성을 증가시킴
단점 : 부정적인 내부효과를 유발함 농업기술의 발전은 많은 농작물 생산했지만 토양오염을 유발, 의료기술 중 페니실린의 개발은 많은 질병을 치료했지만, 항생제 저항 박테리아 출현을 초래

3. Why do you think so many innovation projects fail to generate an economic return?
기술혁신은 일반적으로 많은 비용 발생하며 실패할 확률이 높기 때문에 수익창출을 하는 경우가 드물다.
따라서 성공적인 기술혁신을 위해선 기업의 목적에 부합하는 적절한 프로세스가 필요하며 기업의 자본을 충분히 활용, 기업의 핵심역량을 발전시키는 방향으로 이끌어야 한다.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증
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해피캠퍼스는 구매자와 판매자 모두가 만족하는 서비스가 되도록 노력하고 있으며, 아래의 4가지 자료환불 조건을 꼭 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

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