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[생체의용고분자] REVIEW 논문 PPT 간단 정리 (영문)

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52페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
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"[생체의용고분자] REVIEW 논문 PPT 간단 정리 (영문)"에 대한 내용입니다.

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(논문 : An Overview of Poly(lactic-co-glycolic) Acid (PLGA)-Based Biomaterials for Bone Tissue Engineering, Enjoy your Piergiorgio Gentile, Valeria Chiono, Irene Carmagnola and Paul V. Hatton, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2014, 15, P.3640-P.3659)


1. Introduction

2. Chemistry
2.1. Synthesis
2.2. Physico-Chemical Properties

3. Applications in Bone Tissue Engineering
3.1. Porous PLGA-HA Scaffolds
3.2. Fibrous Scaffolds
3.3. Hydrogels
3.4. Injectable Microspheres

4. Current Trends in the Development of Functionalized PLGA Constructs

5. Conclusions and Future Prospects


▪ Bone tissue engineering
- A research field with many clinical applications
- Bone replacement in the case of orthopaedic defects, bone neoplasia and tumours, pseudoarthrosis treatment, stabilization of spinal segments, maxillofacial, craniofacial, orthopaedic, etc

▪ Scaffolds
- The strategy of designing synthetic bone substitutes
➡ For healing diseased or damaged bone tissue
➡ Promising alternative ; allografts, autografts, and xenografts
- Should be based on biomaterials with adequate properties

참고 자료

PART’s slide background image ; Scaffold image (https://www.bonusbiogroup.com/index.php/science-and-technology/bone-tissue-engineering)
Chan Woo Lee, Development of Medical Resorbable Composite Materials Interposed in the Poly(glycol acid), Polymer(Korea), Vol.31, No.3, pp.228-232 (2007)
Li, J.,Stayshich, R.M. and Meyer, T.Y., Exploiting sequence to control the hydrolysis behavior of biodegradable PLGA copolymers, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 133, pp.6910-6913 (2011)
S.S. Kim, K.m.Ahn, M.S.Park, J.H.Lee, C.Y.Choi and B.S. Kim, A poly(lactide-co-glycolide)/hydroxyapatite composite scaffold with enhanced osteoconductivity, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Part A DOI, Inc. pp.206-215 (2006)
Y.J.Seol, T.Y.Kang and D.W.Cho, Solid freeform fabrication technology applied to tissue engineering with various biomaterials, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Soft Matter, 8, pp.1730–1735 (2012)
Huang, Z.M., Zhang, Y.Z., Kotaki, M. and Ramakrishna, S. A , Review on polymer nanofibers by electrospinning and their applications in nanocomposites. Compos. Sci. Technol. , 63, pp.2223–2253 (2003)
Y.S.Jung, W.R.Park, HJ.Park, D.K.Lee and K.Na, Thermo-sensitive injectable hydrogel based on the physical mixing of hyaluronic acid and Pluronic F-127 for sustained NSAID delivery, Carbohydrate Polymers 156, pp.403–408 (2017)
GRGDSPC, Chemical book, https://www.chemicalbook.com/ChemicalProductProperty_KR_CB1703980.htm
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[생체의용고분자] REVIEW 논문 PPT 간단 정리 (영문)
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