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영미단편소설 A+ 과제 2. The Flowers & On Discovery

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


The flowers_Alice Walker
On discovery_Maxin Hong Kingston


Alice Walker “The flowers” QUIZ
1. How do you interpret the final line of the story? What is the effect of the brevity of that sentence?
3. How might paragraph 5 be described as an example of foreshadowing?
4. Does Myop immediately realize where and what she has stepped in? Research “lynching”. Does the noose look frightening and traumatic to Myop?
5. Explain the symbolism of laying down the flowers and the meaning of the last sentence.

Maxin Hong Kingston “On discovery” QUIZ
1. What does the Land of Women represent? Why does Tang Ao travel there?
2. Why would he have winked to his male companions? What was his expectation? What actually happens to Tang Ao? What kind of work is he forced to do? How is he transformed?
5. Why is this story an allegory? Who does Tang Ao symbolize? How does Kingston address both sexism and racism in this very short story?
6. Discuss the ending. How is it different from the expectations set up in the beginning? Explain the title.


1. How do you interpret the final line of the story? What is the effect of the brevity of that sentence?
As Myop faces the death of same racial person, she slighty starts to realize the violence and lynch, racial oppression and becomes more mature.
3. How might paragraph 5 be described as an example of foreshadowing?
Because the relaxing and happy picture suddenly turns dark. Using the word choice like “strangeness, gloomy, damp, silence” makes mood that isn’t beautiful and peaceful. Instead making us keep worrying about what will happen to that 10 year old young girl.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Silver개인인증


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영미단편소설 A+ 과제 2. The Flowers & On Discovery
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