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칼 피셔법을 활용한 수분분석 실험

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
10페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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"칼 피셔법을 활용한 수분분석 실험"에 대한 내용입니다.


3.Experimental Procedures



Organic synthesis has allowed us to make whole new variety of materials which came to our benefit. One of those organic materials is ester. Ester are widely used in fields like medicine and plastic industries. With its' increasing neccessity many ways have been developed to synthesize this type of material. Fischer esterification is the one of those methodologies. Fischer esterification is a reaction which involves alcohol and acetic acid react to make ester and water. Esterification is a reaction occurred between primary/secondary alcohol and carboxylic acid. Since the formula to synthesize ester with Fischer esterification is a reversible reaction with high equilibrium constant, only small amount of product is yielded on the end. In order to maxmize the amount of product, excess amount of reagent or removal of the product is highly recommended. Further additional procedures within precisely controlled experiments are needed. In the experimental science lecture, I synthesized isopentyl acetate, which is commercially a constituent of banana oil, from reacting isopentyl alcohol with acetic acid.

Gas chromatography is a way to determine the percentages of yielded products. Like other sorts of chromatography, Gas chromatography determine a material’s constituents with material’s characteristic speed in a specific carrier. In order for gas chromatographic tool to adapt above principle, it must unify all materials’ physical level to the gas state. Therefore, extremely high temperature and pressure is equipped within it.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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