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Human right and the international law in the COVID-19 situation

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
15페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


"Human right and the international law in the COVID-19 situation"
코로나19상황에서의 국제법과 인권에 대한 영문 레포트입니다.


1. Introduction : Prolonged corona situation and the role of international law

2. Corona19 pandemic and its damage scale

3. International organizations related to the COVID-19 situation

4. International laws to control the COVID-19 situation
1) Obligations of the WHO Parties
2) Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC)
3) Proclamation of Pandemic situation

5. Protection of the right to life and health under international law

6. Violation of human rights arising from control under infection

7. The relationship between infectious diseases and human rights

8. Conclusion : Parallel between control and human rights


In the context of Corona 19, WHO and IHR act as major international organizations and international law, and the state prevents the spread of infectious diseases in accordance with this provision. Under the International Health Regulations, States parties are obligated to notify and provide information about diseases, and WHO raises awareness to the international community with the Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) and by proclaiming a pandemic situation. International law stipulates that the state must protect the rights of the people, including the right to life and health, and in the situation of Corona 19, the state must protect the public through measures such as provision of protective equipment, medical services, quarantine, and vaccination.

참고 자료

"COVID-19 and International Law Series – Human Rights Law: Right to Life." just security. last modified n.d., accessed Dec 12, 2020, https://www.justsecurity.org/73426/covid-19-and-international-law-series-human-rights-law-right-to-life/.
"COVID-19 and International Law Series – Human Rights Law: Right to Health." just security. last modified n.d., accessed Dec 12,2020, https://www.justsecurity.org/73447/covid-19-and-international-law-series-human-rights-law-right-to-health/.
"COVID-19: Its Impact on International Law and You." American bar association. last modified n.d., accessed Dec 12,2020, https://www.americanbar.org/groups/international_law/membership/coronavirus-information-page/.
"In Africa, Fierce Enforcement of Coronavirus Lockdowns Is Stirring Resentment." The Wall Street Journal. last modified n.d., accessed Dec 12, 2020, https://www.wsj.com/articles/in-africa-fierce-enforcement-of-coronavirus-lockdowns-is-stirring-resentment-11585825403.


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Human right and the international law in the COVID-19 situation
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