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이성과 감성 영어 줄거리 (Sense and Sensibility, English Summary)

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제인 오스틴
Jane Austen
(1775년 ~ 1817년)
영국의 소설가.

18세기 영국 중·상류층 여성들의 삶을 섬세한 시선과 재치있는 문체로 다루는 것이 특징이다.
20세기에 들어와《오만과 편견》, 《이성과 감성》등이 여러 번 영화화되어 인기를 끌고 있다.


I. The Dashwoods of Norland Park
II. Marianne Dashwood in Love
III. Matrimonial Intrigues
IV. A Happy Ending to Love's Troubles


Sense and Sensibility
Jane Austen, daughter of the rector of Steventon, in North Hampshire, England, was born there on December 16, 1775, and received her education from her father, a former Fellow of St. John's College, Oxford. Her life was spent in the country or in country towns, chiefly at the village of Chawton, near Winchester.

<중 략>

I. The Dashwoods of Norland Park
Mr. Henry Dashwood, of Norland Park, Sussex, died leaving his widow and his three daughters, Elinor, Marianne and Margaret, to the generosity of Mr. John Dashwood, his son by his first wife and the heir to his estate. Mr. John, who, apart from the family inheritance, had received one fortune from his mother and another with his wife, was at first disposed to increase the portions of his sisters by giving them a thousand pounds apiece; but under the persuasion of his wife he finally resolved that it would be absolutely unnecessary, if not highly indecorous, to do more for his father's widow and children than such kind of neighbourly acts as looking out for a comfortable small house for them, helping them to remove their things, and sending them presents of fish and game whenever they were in season.

참고 자료

The World's Greatest Books, Vol. I
by Various
Edited by Arthur Mee and J. A. Hammerton
Date:15, 2003 [eBook]
Language: English
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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이성과 감성 영어 줄거리 (Sense and Sensibility, English Summary)
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