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K-리그 활성화 기획 / The Vitalization of K-League

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"K-리그 활성화 기획 / The Vitalization of K-League"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Introduction

2. Background
1) Section 1: Problems between the K-League and the Soccer Players
2) Section 2: Problems of Marketing and Sponsor in the K-League
3) Section 3: Problems of Inner Structure

3. Conclusion

4. Bibliography


They have no or a little interests in the K-League games. Usually, they don't know where their cities' main stadiums are or which names of their cities' leagues are. They just have fanatical about the playing the soccer in the WorldCup. Gang Hyo-min said that [the] syndrome of the WorldCup in Korea is linked with the Nationalism (2008: 98). It's hard to exclude the Nationalism from fanatical syndrome of the WorldCup. Because many Korean only overreact to international sport competition such as the WorldCup and the Olympic games.
I think differently with Gang's opinion that financial problem of the K-League is the implicit reason why Korean aren't interested in the K-League. Due to weak financial structure, there are some problems of soccer players, marketing, sponsorship and inner structure. I argue that in order to increase the audience for K-League soccer and vitalize the K-league, the capital and profit structure in the K-League must be changed.

참고 자료

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