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molecular cloning 분자클로닝 정리자료

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5페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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"molecular cloning 분자클로닝 정리자료"에 대한 내용입니다.


2. Basic Procedure of Molecular Cloning
3. Vehicles: plasmid and bacteriophages
4. 실습감상문


Molecular cloning is a set of experimental methods in molecular biology that are used to assemble recombinant DNA molecules and to direct their replication within host organisms. The use of the word cloning refers to the fact that the method involves the replication of one molecule to produce a population of cells with identical DNA molecules. Molecular cloning generally uses DNA sequences from two different organisms: the species that is the source of the DNA to be cloned, and the species that will serve as the living host for replication of the recombinant DNA. Molecular cloning methods are central to many contemporary areas of modern biology and medicine.

<중 략>

박사분께서 열의를 가지고 지도해주셔서 감사했고, 실습인원이 혼자여서 개인적으로 꼭 해보고 싶었던 western blot을 직접해 볼 수 있어서 감사했고, 논문에 적용할 때 더 이해도를 높여 쉽게 접근가능할 것 같아서 뿌듯했다. 그런데 약 3주간의 실험기간이 있음에도 불구하고, 이 molecular cloning과 western blot 실험 내의 각 과정중에 몇시간이 걸리는 것도 있어서 모든 과정을 다 실습하기는 어려울 것 같다는 말씀에 조금 실망스러웠고, 몇몇 과정은 이론으로만 이해해야함에 그쳐서 실험과정과 이론과의 약간의괴리감이 들 것 같고 금방 잊어 버릴 것 같아서 아쉬웠다.

참고 자료

Watson JD (2007). Recombinant DNA: genes and genomes: a short course. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman. ISBN 0-7167-2866-4.
Patten CL, Glick BR, Pasternak J (2009). Molecular Biotechnology: Principles and Applications of Recombinant DNA. Washington, D.C: ASM Press. ISBN 978-1-55581-498-4.
Brown T (2006). Gene cloning and DNA analysis: an introduction. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell Pub. ISBN 978-1-4051-1121-8.
M., Grisham, Charles (2013-01-01). Biochemistry. Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning. ISBN 1133106293. OCLC 777722371.
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