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Can AI Translate Literature (short essay)

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A couple years ago, a historic go-game between a human and an artificial intelligence was held, and the result brought a shock to Korea. The AI, Alpha-go, won the human, Se-dol Lee, and that led people into deep concerns about AI. People started to ask questions like; would AI replace humans in workplaces, or in everything? Even Stephen Hawking once said shortly before his recent death, "The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race." AI is now already taking place in many parts in human lives, sometimes kicking humans out of their workplaces.

참고 자료

Rory Cellan-Jones, “Stephen Hawking warns artificial intelligence could end mankind”,
BBC, 2 December 2014, http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-30290540
Chung Hyun-chae, “Human touch key factor in translation, interpretation”, The Korean
Times, 22 February 2017,
Katy Ilonka Gero, “Is It Possible for Machines to Translate Poetry, When Humans Can Barely
Do It?”, Electric Literature, 3 April 2018, https://electricliterature.com/machine-translationpoetry-hofstadter-artificial-intelligence-29245f7fad40
Kwak Joong-cheol, “The First Korean Ever to be Assigned as the Chairman of World
Foundation of Translation and Intepretation”, 2017 Global HUFS, 13 October 2017, http://ebook.hufs.ac.kr/20171016_100202_1/
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Can AI Translate Literature (short essay)
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