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[영어에세이]No Way Out

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
9페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


다양한 범죄에 노출된 현대인들을 보호하기 위해 나라에서는 도시 곳곳에 cctv등을 숨겨놓고 있다. 범죄율을 줄이기 위한 방안이지만 이로인해 사생활이 침해되는 경우가 있다.




A Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) begins to tape- record your movement when you are entering a bank. You are driving slowly near the traffic camera. Your boss calls you and notices you that do not make a personal call during the working hours. You뭭e heard the news about the spy satellite, which has supported the Iraq war. These are the real situation surrounding you. You might be involved in one of them. Then, you might indicate that surveillance is necessary or not. A dictionary from the 밯ebster

참고 자료

Fine.M, Fredenburg.N. Payne.Y, Perkins.T, Smith.K, Wanzer.K (2003) Journal of social issues;
Anything Can Happen With Police Around? Urban Youth Evaluate Strategies of Surveillance in Public Places: http://80-search.epnet.com.login.ezproxy.library.ualberta.ca/direct.asp?an=9049203&db=aph

Boyle. A (2002). MSNBC. Machines serve as spies in the sky. Retrieved December 2002 from
the world wide web: http://www.msnbc.com/news/661255.asp

Bogus anti-surveillance groups (2003) Bogus anti-surveillance Groups. Retrieved February 2003
from the world wide web: http://www.notboared.org/bogus.html

Strieff .D (2002) MSNBC: In britain, smile for the camera. Retrieved December 18, 2002 from
the world wide web: http://www.msnbc.com/news/620569.asp

Levine.S (2001) America뭩 Network,Tracing and tapping. Retrieved October 1, 2001 from the
world wide web: http://80 search.opnet.com.login.ezproxy.library.ualberta.ca/direct.asp?an=5331711&db=aph

Brock. N. Meeks (2003), MSNBC: Big boss is watching you. Retrieved December 10, 2002 from
the world wide web: http://www.Msnbc.com/news/620768.asp

Preiss, S. (1998) Northstar, unit 7. New york: Longman, p.137-160

Windrem. R (2002) MSNBC: The high-tech hunt for terrorist lairs. Retrieved December 2002
from the world wide web: http://www,msnbc.com/news/663580.asp

Bonne. J (2003) MSNBC: A well-tested eye in the sky. Retrieved April 2003 from the world wide
web: http://www,msnbc.com/news/874724.asp

Canell, M @ Remerowski, T.(Producers/ Editors). (1996) No place to Hide ?Part 1
[videocassette]. Filmwest Associates.

Canell, M @ Remerowski, T.(Producers/ Editors). (1996) No place to Hide ?Part 2
[videocassette]. Filmwest Associates

Sayega, Kurt (Writer/ Producer) & Ostertag, Martha (Producer) (1996). Spies Above [videotape]
Arewelder Films Ltd.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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