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최초 등록일
최종 저작일
12페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기




1. Introduction
1.1 Industry
1.2 Hynix

2. Ups and downs of Hynix
2.1 1st crisis in 2000
2.2 After the 2nd crisis in 2008

3. New chance of Hynix
3.1 Takeover by SK Telecom
3.2 Expected synergy


1. Introduction
1.1 Industry- Semiconductor

Semiconductor is a material that originally doesn`t conduct electricity but it conducts electricity when we apply heat or some impurity. So, it can be handled easily rather than conductor so that it is a critical part of almost every IT product.
In detail, Semiconductor can be classified by two big parts, “Memory semiconductor” and “Non-Memory semiconductor”. And Memory semiconductor is divided into “D-ram” and “NAND-flash”. D-ram is used in computer mainboard, and NAND-flash is used in cell-phone or MP3 player.

Thanks to this easy using feature and wide variety of using scope, the size of market is $298 billion big in 2010. In this huge industry, 23% of that market is a “Memory semiconductor” market, which is $70 billion. It is relatively small comparing with “Non-memory” but it is still a big number.

The firm of South Korea is the strongest firm in this Memory semiconductor part. Especially in D-ram part, Korean firms show overwhelming results. As you can see in below chart, market share in D-ram market in 2011, Q3, Samsung and Hynix have 63% of the world market share in D-ram market.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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