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최초 등록일
최종 저작일
13페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기




1. Introduction
1.1. Introduction of Benetton Group
1.1.1. Group Overview – Business
1.1.2. Group Overview – History
1.1.3. Brands

2. Point

3. Conclusion

4. References


1.1.1. Group Overview - Business
Today, the Benetton Group is present in 120 countries around the world. Its core business is fashion apparel: a group with a strong Italian character whose style, quality and passion are clearly seen in its brands, the casual United Colors of Benetton, the glamour oriented Sisley, and Playlife American college style. The Group produces over 150 million garments every year. Its network of over 6,400 contemporary stores around the world offers high quality customer services and generates a total turnover of over 2 billion euro.
As in the case of the commercial network, a constant commitment to innovation, a crucial factor for development, has always characterized the Group’s business organization, from communication to IT, from research into new materials to integrated logistics. Special attention is given to innovation in production, where all systems and equipment are totally renewed every five years. Benetton production system is co-ordinated by a high-tech facility at Castrette (Treviso), which is one of the most advanced industrial logistic complexes in the world.
Benetton’s philosophy of quality, knowledge and teamwork are the key values of its long tradition and history and milestones for the next future.

참고 자료

Ray H. Garrison, Managerial Accounting, Thirteenth Edition, Singapore: McGraw-Hill, 2010. Eric W. Noreen, Peter C. Brewer
Benetton Group, Benetton Group Annual Report 2004, Rome: Benetton Group, 2005.
December, 5, 2011, Benetton Group,

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