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화공_최적화_칠러_발표_자료(optimization of chiller)

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최종 저작일
29페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


화공 최적화 수업시간에 만든 발표자료입니다. 개인 발표자료로서는 바로 사용하시면 되고, 팀프로젝트로서도 약간만 가공해서 사용하시면 됩니다.


1. Introduction
1.1 Thermodynamic Aspects
1.2 Refrigerant Characteristics
1.3 Refrigerants and Heat Transfer Fluids

2. Optimization
2.1 Optimizing the Total System
2.2 Chilled Water Temperature Optimization
2.3 Cooling Tower Temperature Optimization
2.4 Heat Recovery Optimization
2.5 Retrofit Optimization

3. Conclusion



Very high condensing pressures are undesirable
Because of resulting structural strength requirements
Latent heat of refrigerant
The higher it is, the more heat can be carried by the same amount of working fluid
Nontoxic, nonirritating, nonflammable refrigerants
Compatible with the compressor lubricating oil

The cooling load from the process is carried by the chilled water to the evaporator, where it is transferred to the freon refrigerant.
The freon takes the heat to the evaporator, where it is passed on to the cooling tower water.
The total system operating cost is the sum of the costs of circulating the four heat transfer substances (M1, M2, M3, and M4).
In the unoptimized control systems, each of these four systems were operated independently in an uncoordinated manner.
In addition, unoptimized control systems did not vary the speed of the four devices(M1 to M4)

참고 자료

Carrier Corporation, “Centrifugal Liquid Chillers”, Application Data 17-IXA, 1975.
Cooper, K. W., “Saving Energy with Refrigeration”, ASHRAE Journal, December 1978.
Hallanger, E. G., “Operating and Controlling Chillers”, ASHRAE Journal, September 1981.
Liptak, B. G, “Chiller Controls”, Instrument Engineer’s Handbook, Process Control (Radnor, PA:Chilton Book co., 1985), section 8.4.
Liptak, B. G., “Optimizing controls for chillers and Heat Pumps”, Chemical Engineering, October 17, 1983.
Liptak, B. G., “Optimizing Plant Chiller Systems”, InTech, September 1977.
Liptak, B. G., “Save Energy by optimizing Your boilers, Chillers, and Pumps”, InTech, March 1981.
Romita, E., “A direct Digital Control for Refrigeration Plant Optimization”, ASHRAE Transactions, vol. 83, part 1, 1977.
Shinskey, F. G., Energy Conservation Through Control, Academic press, 1978.
Zimmer, H., “Chiller Control Using On-line Allocation for Energy Conservation”, paper no. 76-522, Advances in Instrumentation, part 1, ISA/76 In

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화공_최적화_칠러_발표_자료(optimization of chiller)
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