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Starbucks Marketing Research

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
35페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


스타벅스에서 제공하는 Wi-Fi서비스에 대한 통계 분석 자료입니다. (영문자료)




Most recently, Starbucks have experienced a myriad of problems. In 2007, Starbucks stock decreased 42% - very surprising for a company that enjoyed eleven consecutive years of 5% or higher comparable store sales growth in the early 1990s. In addition, rising costs (i.e. dairy products) and increased competition had slowed sales growth. Starbucks was a classic case of a corporation that became overbuilt and oversaturated. In complete acknowledgement, Starbucks CEO Howard D. Schultz stated that… “Rapid growth had diluted the Starbucks magic.”

Starbucks customers could sense that the Starbucks brand was not meeting their expectations or satisfaction. For instance, customers felt that Starbucks had lost their focus on a “live coffee” mantra – machines were now automated and espressos were no longer crafted by hand. Customers also felt that Starbucks was more corporate now – it did not feel like a coffeehouse, instead it felt like a fast-food joint. This type of sentiment destroyed the main components of Starbucks experiential branding strategy – especially the third brand component that was atmosphere. In the mind of customers, Starbucks no longer embodied the ambience of a “third place” atmosphere, but rather projected a sterile commercialization of a fast-food joint. Starbucks must explore new offerings that can counteract the deterioration of their sales.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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